Unlocking Profit Potential: How UK Property Investors Leverage Company Structures

Many landlords are strategically shifting to set up their property business as a limited company. Recent data from Hamptons reveals that a staggering seventy-four percent of landlords purchasing buy-to-let properties in 2023 opted for this structure. But what's behind this rising trend, and why is it becoming such a popular choice in the property investment realm?


Navigating a Shifting Landscape

Property lettings have long been renowned for their challenges. Increased compliance obligations have placed additional pressure on landlords, prompting them to reevaluate the long-term viability of investing in this sector. Although the government hints at a more landlord-friendly approach with the scrapping of EPC requirement upgrades, the landscape remains complex.


The Taxing Dilemma

High mortgage costs, coupled with the repeal of section 24 (meaning mortgage interest can no longer be deducted from taxable income), have intensified the challenges for individual landlords. Enter limited companies as a potential solution to this complex financial equation.


A Corporate Tax Haven

Setting up your property business under a limited company umbrella benefits you from favourable corporation tax rates, typically lower than personal income tax. This structure also permits landlords to deduct mortgage interest costs from their company's income, providing a significant financial advantage.


Unlocking Mortgage Opportunities

Access to buy-to-let mortgages as a limited company can translate to higher borrowing capabilities with more lenient stress tests, albeit sometimes at slightly higher rates than individual applications.


A Boon for Portfolio Owners

Limited companies can deliver more attractive tax rates for landlords with extensive property portfolios and a higher tax bracket. Profits can be retained within the corporate structure, allowing for tax-efficient portfolio growth and reinvestment.


A Growing Trend

Data from Paragon Bank underscores this shift in strategy. The average number of properties held within a limited structure surged from 7.8 in late 2021 to 12.3 in the second quarter of 2023, indicating that landlords are increasingly capitalising on this advantageous setup.


The Alternative Costs

Yet, it's essential to weigh the costs. Drawing profits from your company for personal use incurs additional taxation. If a property sale is on the horizon, there's no capital gains tax allowance, triggering a 19% minimum corporation tax rate. Added administration responsibilities also come into play, with financial records and accounts to manage.

Operating within a limited company structure is a strategic long game—ideal for landlords with substantial portfolios or those keen on reinvestment. However, the path may prove more time-intensive and costly for those with just one or two properties than anticipated.

Unlock the power of a limited company for your property investments!

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